A.C.H.E.國際認證及專業資格 (Accreditation & Professional Qualification)


EASYMIND Hypnotherapy, Training & Counselling Centre is an Approved Hypnotism School under the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (A.C.H.E.) The A.C.H.E. is an International organization responsible for the recognition and regulation of hypnosis training and is internationally recognized and enjoys the highest reputation.

意. 自在 (EASYMIND) 催眠治療、情緒治療、心靈輔導及培訓中心 是美國催眠醫師考試局 (A.C.H.E.) 屬下認許的催眠學院。美國催眠醫師考試局是專責提供催眠培訓的專業認證和監管的國際機構,為國際認可並在催眠界享有最好聲譽。詳情可瀏覽 http://hypnotistexaminers.org/ .

Our founder Mr. Frank LIU Chung-kui is the Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor and Designated Examiner recognized and certified by the A.C.H.E.


The A.C.H.E. has developed a membership in over 40 countries throughout the world. Our membership includes many professionals in the health and counseling fields who have integrated hypnotherapy into their practices after receiving training from us thereby enriching their skills and enhancing performance.

A.C.H.E. 的會員已遍佈全球超過 40個國家,當中很多來自不同專業界別的人事,包括醫療及輔導,他們接受我們的培訓後均能學以致用,將催眠治療技術與其專業整合,提升工作效能及服務質素。

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